Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can you translate Japanese to English for me?

There's this little nail clipper at my Tae Kwon Do school (don't ask why, I'm not sure why it's here) that has a picture of a bird on it with this in Japanese:

"Watashi ha tori desu

Namae ha mada arimasen

Yoroshiku ne!"

What does that mean? It's been bugging me. :P|||%26gt;"Watashi ha tori desu

I'm a bird.

%26gt;Namae ha mada arimasen

I don't have a name, yet.

%26gt;Yoroshiku ne!"

Nice to meet you.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same clippers. I stole them from my sister. She use to live in Japan.
