Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can anyone here translate Japanese to English?

Oral Test 1

日にち:9月9日 火曜日

場所  : Room 300 (Modern Languages Building)



☞ 自分の携帯(けいたい)を使って教えてください。

☞ 青い教科書のp209〜210の「読み物」を読んで、p210を例(れい)に…


Useful terms : 画面(がめん) (screen)、 スペースをあける (make a space)

☞ でも、テストの時には何も見てはいけません。

☞ 教え方がていねい (thorough) じゃなければ、さよこさんは途中(とちゅう)で質問するかもしれません。

☞ テキストの送り方を教えてもらった後で、さよこさんは下の3つからひとつ質問…


• おすのをまちがえたら、どうすればいいんですか。

• テキストはどうすれば消せるんですか。

• テキストがとどいたら、どうすれば読めるんですか。

☞ 自分のきぼうの時間をシートに記入してください。シートはまきさんのオフィス…


☞ 携帯(けいたい)を持っていない人は、ほかのお題(だい) (topic) をあげますから、まきさんに言ってください。

Your instruction will be assessed according to the following categories:

Content / Grammatical accuracy / Pronunciation / Fluency / Presentation

Your answer to the question will be assessed according to the following categories:

Understanding of questions / Grammatical accuracy of replies / Fullness of response


I haven't got much time, but I'll translate all that i can!

日にち:9月9日 火曜日 - Day: 9th of September, Tuesday

場所  : Room 300 (Modern Languages Building) - Room: Room 300 (Modern Languages Building)

さよこさんは、携帯(けいたい)のテキストメッセージの送り方がわかりません。 - Sayoko, I do no understand how to send the cell phone text message.

さよこさんに、送り方を教えてください。 Sayoko, please teach me how to send it.

自分の携帯(けいたい)を使って教えてください - Please teach me to use your cell phone.

青い教科書のp209〜210の「読み物」を読んで、p210を例(れい)に - Read pages 209-210 and i would like you to write the illustration on page 210.

画面(がめん) (screen)、 スペースをあける - please make an open space

でも、テストの時には何も見てはいけません - (not sure of this one) But, what can you see in the test.

Anyhoot, i can do the rest, I've gotta get ready for school! If you want the rest translated, please email me and I'll do it for you.

Have a good day and i hope this helps you, what's it for by the way?


|||Here you are:

日にち:9月9日 火曜日

Date: September 9, Tuesday

場所  : Room 300 (Modern Languages Building)

Place: Room 300 (Modern Languages Building)


Sayoko, I don't know how to send text messages on my cell phone.


Sayoko, please teach me how to send them.


Teach me using your own phone (Teach me how you do it on your phone).


Read "Readings" on pages 209 and 210 in the blue text book.



(Text is messed up here)

You had better write (?) (like in the example on page 210).

Useful terms : 画面(がめん) (screen)、 スペースをあける (make a space)

(self explanatory, I think)


But you won't be allowed to look at anything during the test.

教え方がていねい (thorough) じゃなければ、さよこさんは途中(とちゅう)で質問するかもしれません。

If the explanation isn't thorough, Sayoko might have some questions along the way.


After receiving how to send the text, Sayoko (should chose???) 1 of the following 3 questions. (Some text is missing)


You'd better prepare your answer, I think.


What should be done if you press the wrong button?


How do you erase text?


If you receive text, what should you do to read it?



(Text is missing here)

Write your desired time on the sheet. (Take?) the sheet to Maki's office. (?)

携帯(けいたい)を持っていない人は、ほかのお題(だい) (topic) をあげますから、まきさんに言ってください。

For those of you who don't have cell phones, tell Maki and she will give you a different topic.

That's basically it. But some parts are missing here, so it's hard to tell exactly what's going on.||| Japanese isn't the greatest yet but I do have something that might help:

You can translate both ways through copy and paste and if you want to you can put in the URL of a website so that it can translate the entire website page. It's really useful! |||The site below can help. I know a little Japanese but no where near enough kanji to read this. It says Sept 9th on the top, I know that much.|||great

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