Thursday, January 26, 2012

Help Japanese:how to translate this in english?

Hello, there's someone who really can translate japanese in english?

Google or babylon etc.. are not good and don't make sense.

Thank you in advance! 10 point to the best answer!








UPPER MUSICの天使はこういうキャラじゃないのよね、恐らく。|||To say it simply, Heaven, heavenly sky and angels that Rin-san is thinking of are far from what I have in mind. A Palm reader once told me that I was a dreamer. To me an angel is very pure with no dirt, gentle, white and fluffy. But, it's sad, weak and delicate accepting pains and its existence is very beautiful.

This "angel" image isn't good. I love it, though. The angels in UPPER MUSIC don't have those characters, I'm afraid.|||hey this is how i translate it!:

To put it simply, heaven's 稟 thinks,

Sky, and angels, I think those are probably differ.

A palmist "I Yumeko you" and told me this,

Angel is a gentle, white and fluffy all the innocent without impurities,

Sad and painful, but also sensitive and fragile or weak would take the pain

I'll be a beautiful existence.

I guess the angel statue - Akan. It's just like high Tsu,

UPPER MUSIC angel I'm not like this character, perhaps.

hope it helps! xxx

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